As part of a commitment to improve efficiency, the Port of Maputo is continuing to invest significantly in infrastructure upgrades.According to a spokesman, investing in infrastructure remains a priority despite the challenges caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.“The hard work and focus on our strategy to improve facilities and to introduce greater efficiency is finally paying off as we watch the conclusion of the port works.”The spokesman said phase 2 of the northern boundary road was set to be completed within weeks. “This new port road will completely separate our inbound and outbound traffic from the operational traffic, thus improving both efficiency and safety. We are currently in the process of doing the works for horizontal and vertical road signage and installation of guard rails.”The work completed at berths 6, 7 and 8 has also made a difference. “We are now just finishing diving works for the single-profile pile, and the equipment for the double-profile works on the first half of berth 6 is due to arrive in May this year,” said the spokesman.The full project is expected to be completed by June 2021.Work was still ongoing at berth 9 for pile driving, construction of the pile sealing profiles and installation of the anchors for the fender supports. It is expected that the last stage of the dredging at the berth will be completed by no later than May this year.Describing the new infrastructureas state of the art, the spokesman said port users were already seeing a difference.“Work is also under way at Slab 7. The railway works on the sugar terminal access are now concluded and the contractor is just finishing assembly of the rail line to the molasses terminal and construction of a new discharge sump. Civil works on the entrance weighbridges are well under way, as well as poles, water tanks and pumps.”Work is set to be concluded by the end of March, and this slab will increase the port’s mineral handling capacity to 8.3 million tons. “It gives us the ability to handle 100 wagons simultaneously and really ups the efficiency level,” said the spokesman.