The past three years have seen previously unimagined challenges placed upon the global logistics industry at large and, whilst this has resulted in profit opportunities across many sectors, it also placed extreme pressure on supply chains and infrastructure capabilities.Whilst many entities were stretched to find rapid workable solutions, most were not found wanting and the industry, both globally and locally, appeared to adapt well to the increased demands placed upon it. Unfortunately, this same massive upswing in demand also exposed both the fragility of local port and road infrastructure and the dire need for all entities to work together in a collaborative manner to find workable solutions.Whilst port authorities failed to adapt quickly enough, and to ensure infrastructure stability, exporters and importers bore the brunt of massively increased transit times, schedule unreliability and increased costs.And whilst it must be acknowledged that many of these challenges were shared on a global scale, they certainly appeared to be exacerbated loc a lly.The time has come for us to acknowledge our failings and act immediately if we are to compete on the global stage.Let us put our pride in our pocket and place our critically important national infrastructure in the hands of experienced and capable entities.This is my wish and it would surely result in one far greater. The ability of our beautiful nation to compete and prosper on the world stage.