Bunker prices remain unchanged from yesterday's $273. Courtesey of Cockett Marine Oil
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Transnet National Ports Authority will receive R15 318m in revenue as opposed to the R15 663m it requested.
The charges relate to a tender worth R59 million.
The 114 727-dwt bulker sustained damage to its cargo hatches during the incident and had to return to anchorage.
Trump’s latest tariff announcement is a warning of the unpredictability and chaos that awaits.
The blend of bio- and e-methanol could reduce GHG emissions by 70%.
Permits issued for time-sensitive cargo often expire by the time loads finally reach border gates.
The airline currently operates 16 aircraft and will take delivery of an additional seven during 2025.
Previously consolidated cargo loads were given the all-clear through one received-in-transit number.
It was furthermore advised that trucks returning from the port should only do so once the all-clear has been given.
While 30.6% of finished palletised goods should be on rail, only 0.7% is transported by rail.
Driver fatigue is estimated at $20 billion in the US.