Specialised transport and equipment provider Jacobs Transport, which has been moving and rigging heavy machinery for two decades, has introduced new technologies into its warehouse environment to better control its customers’ valuable stock. The new INControl Warehouse Management System (WMS) has been developed specifically to keep control of the complexities inherent in such an environment.Jacobs now offers high activity and low activity storage areas. The company can assist with staging to stay in control of the whereabouts of stock in the warehouse, and pick stock based on customer orders for just-in-time deliveries. Its WMS integrates seamlessly with its transport planning booking system, which represents better control of incoming and outgoing stock and optimal live reporting.According to a spokesman for the company, the WMS supports the planning and optimisation of its f leet. “Our drivers are all equipped with tablets that allow for signing-on-glass proof of delivery, and invoicing can be fast-tracked on the day of delivery. Service delivery levels are also monitored for each booking order"