There’s been notable progress in improving regional infrastructure, according to Dr Stergomena Lawrence Tax, SADC executive secretary.She told representatives of the Council of Ministers of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) that a total of 63 infrastructure projects – including 17 regional energy projects – had been developed under the second Priority Action Plan for Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA PAP 2), part of the SADC regional infrastructure development master plan.“Three energy projects have been shortlisted,” said Dr Tax. “These are the Luapula Hydro-power project between DRC and Zambia; the Baynes Hydro-power project between Namibia and Angola; and the ZIZABONA transmission interconnector between Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe.”She said progress had also been recorded in the preparation and implementation of priority transmission projects aimed at interconnecting Angola, Malawi and Tanzania to the Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) network, and in power generation projects aimed at enhancing security of energy supply in the region. “In this regard, 2 480 megawatts were commissioned in 2020. This is about 77% of the targeted capacity of 3 215 megawatts. Construction of large power generation projects also progressed during last year. The Kafue Gorge lower hydropower project, with capacity of 750 megawatts in Zambia, is expected to be commissioned by July this year, and the Julius Nyerere hydropower project in Tanzania, with capacity of 2 115 megawatts, is expected to be commissioned in June 2022.”Dr Tax said the SADC Regional Gas Master Plan Phase 1, defining the conceptual and policy framework for gas, had been completed in October 2020.“Moving forward, under phase 2, key developmental projects for midstream infrastructure for gas transportation, and anchor projects will be identified and prioritised for uptake and investments.”Furthermore, progress was also recorded on the cross-border payment system, the SADC Real Time Gross Settlement System. “Work is progressing to on-board other currencies on the system – including provision to settle low-value pay ments.”Dr Tax said across the region industrialisation remained a key priority, although progress was slow.“The share of the manufacturing sector to overall GDP is still low, around 12%. In order to realise the targeted long-term industrialisation objectives, there is need to, among other things, speed up the implementation of the profiled value chains in priority areas. The private sector is encouraged to take advantage of these value chains which will benefit the investors, SADC citizens and the region as a whole.”On a positive note, said Dr Tax, 17 companies from the region had been earmarked to manufacture Covid-19 medical and other pharmaceutical products under an initiative supported by the European Union and German development agency, GIZ.17 companies from the region have been earmarked to manufacture Covid-19 medical and other pharmaceutical products.– Dr Stergomena Lawrence Tax